Here is a cheap and easy window build. I'm going to be doing a bunch of windows over the next couple months. This thing can literally be built with just a table saw and a few hand tools. Uses regular dimension lumber. In this case a 1x6 and some 2x2. From here you can refine it into all kind of things.. Some of the experts might not think much of it, but its a place to start. I will go a full double hung as I proceed. These are the most environmentally friendly windows there are. They got a bad rap because they last 50-100 years and no one does even a little maintenance on them, except slap some paint on them and all over the glass.. Your modern thermopanes are lucky to last 10-20 years and are way more expensive. But most of us would rather pay triple than hang a storm window. But even the storm can be left on year around nowadays since we have air conditioned homes.