Here is a cheap and easy window build. I'm going to be doing a bunch of windows over the next couple months. This thing can literally be built with just a table saw and a few hand tools. Uses regular dimension lumber. In this case a 1x6 and some 2x2. From here you can refine it into all kind of things.. Some of the experts might not think much of it, but its a place to start. I will go a full double hung as I proceed. These are the most environmentally friendly windows there are. They got a bad rap because they last 50-100 years and no one does even a little maintenance on them, except slap some paint on them and all over the glass.. Your modern thermopanes are lucky to last 10-20 years and are way more expensive. But most of us would rather pay triple than hang a storm window. But even the storm can be left on year around nowadays since we have air conditioned homes.
Nice work!
DeleteI am on a homesteading site. Lot of people want to build their own version of home. they get the building up but don't know what to do for windows. So I am kinda teaching it in a way they can relate. I'm starting with this simple window and hope to go all the way to the fancy kind. Teaching them and myself as I go. There are better books and teachers than me LOL. But we can ninter-realte. And I thought I would post it here too. Or maybe I should do it the other way around ?? :)
I have some casements to build for a restoration a guy is doing in Arkansas
Are there standard sizes that the window should be built?
DeleteIts been unusally warm and dry here so been out trying to get garden in :)
As far as standard sizes. Its kind a yes and no. Window companies build mostly in standard sizes although quit a few of them. And depending on your architecture there are somewhat standard sizes to make the building look appropriate.
As far as people like me I can build any size that fits the purpose. This window was actually built to fit between purlins in the shop. And its made form standard 1x6 and 2x4 lumber to be simple. It could be single ,double hung, casement, or swinging in the center. I have chosen this way as I hope to put a simple solar collector come in the bottom pane in the winter to help heat the place.
I hope I have understood your question and answered It